Understanding the Construction of our Lockers

Understanding the Construction of our Lockers

Lockers can be made from a variety of materials, and the materials you choose should be largely determined by the way the lockers will be used. At Legacy Lockers, each style of locker is built with high quality construction and materials, made to be durable and long...
Why You Should Move Lockers Out of the Locker Room

Why You Should Move Lockers Out of the Locker Room

Lockers logically belong in locker rooms, right? Since the dawn of lockers, that’s where they’ve resided, closeted away in a place where people can change their clothes in privacy, perhaps even making use of a shower. In many modern fitness clubs, however, the idea of...
How Lockers can Influence your Recruiting

How Lockers can Influence your Recruiting

When you’re thinking of things that assist in recruiting, do lockers make the list? They should! While the playing field or arena is where athletes work, train, and compete, the locker room is their home away from home. A well-appointed locker room can make or break a...
Getting your Department to Invest in New Lockers

Getting your Department to Invest in New Lockers

Sometimes getting your department to invest money for any purpose can be difficult, and this is certainly true when it comes time to purchase lockers. Lockers often don’t stand out as priority line item on a budget sheet. Whether you’re grappling with school...

Military Lockers at Camp Edwards

Legacy Lockers worked with the government to design custom lockers that fit the spaces in each barrack room at Camp Edwards. The new design by Legacy Lockers included 24 inch wide lockers with red oak interiors. One challenging aspect of the project were that double...