Legacy Locker’s Latest Trends for Clubhouses

Legacy Locker’s Latest Trends for Clubhouses

At Legacy Lockers, we believe that style is just as important to a locker room as function. That’s why we help our clients design luxury locker rooms that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are practical. Are you up-to-date on the latest clubhouse trends? Here, the...
Legacy Lockers | When to Fly the Flag at Half Mast

Legacy Lockers | When to Fly the Flag at Half Mast

Legacy Lockers is an American company, proud of our country and its traditions.  Flying the American flag is one way of expressing national pride, but knowing when to lower it to half-mast is a good way to show respect and honor. But where did the tradition of the...
Does Your Locker Room Need Rules?

Does Your Locker Room Need Rules?

In every locker room, there must be a standard for conduct. Locker rooms should be a place of refuge and comradery, but when adrenaline and attitudes run high, things can sometimes get out of hand. You don’t want anyone to get hurt or for your lockers or equipment to...
Keeping Your Locker Room Motivated

Keeping Your Locker Room Motivated

How’s the morale in your locker room? Are your guests and employees upbeat, happy and energetic? Is your team motivated? How can you create the kind of energy in your locker room that makes people happy and keeps them enthusiastic about your facility? Legacy Lockers...